Something about my curriculum and a quote by someone
Fall Semester 2022 Classes
How to Take and Edit Awesome iPhone Photos! Brandeis Osher Lifelong Learning Institute, CLASS FULL
Learn to take photos no one will believe were taken with your phone. Each lively, interactive session will be divided into three sections: feedback on your homework photos, iPhone camera technology, and artistic skills. You will learn the artistic elements of a good photograph to hone your “seeing skills.” You will become familiar with the technical features of your iPhone camera, including its built-in photo editing software. And you will share your homework photos and learn how to improve them.
Mobile Editing with Snapseed: Nov 16 – Dec 14, 10 – 11:30 a.m. LexArt, Zoom
Learn the basic principles of photo editing, including how to crop a picture, adjust the light and color in an image, and completely remove unwanted objects from a photograph. Learn how to use two apps to accomplish what the experts do in PhotoShop!
Seeing Light: Oct 12–Nov 9, 10-11 a.m., LexArt, Zoom
Learn to see deeply and to effectively use natural light to create sunsets, silhouettes, and perfect reflections. Develop a vocabulary for describing light, from hard to soft, front to back, and warm to cool. Each week you will practice new skills and participate in a “photo salon” to review homework images. All photographers, including smartphone photographers, are welcome. This is a fun class!